

there are days when you can't stand the arrogant people. those wretched people who have no real lives of their own mock the trivial joys of the common man. and how you despise their sneers!

sometimes you have to delight in the falling of the rain and the sweetness of a kiss. the bliss of those moments may be childish, but i do not believe that they are always foolish.

and there come times when you are the onlooker, fascinated with your own importance and wisdom, and perturbed by the fleeting felicities, not ever understanding how one could be so entranced by a moment.

it all ends quickly anyway.

babyfloyd at 11:23 p.m.

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stand far - 11.22.05
fall in love - 10.22.05
alive - 10.17.05
wild horses - 2005-10-11
unbelievably real - 2005-10-08

